Monthly Archives: February 2021




You are in the fire here to be transformed, so that My heart and My perfect love are manifested in a dying and fallen realm. The birth pains come closer and closer now, as We are ready to give birth. You, My holy vessels, the sanctuaries of My Spirit are being prepared to receive My glory. My oil of anointing will fall upon you, igniting a passion and a desire in you, My people that will illuminate the earth like never before. 

The labor has been difficult and painful and the contractions come yet even closer together now, as the darkness has intensified. Allow the fires of your tribulations to empty completely every effect of sin in your lives.  As you remove the leaven in your lives, I, The King of Glory comes in.  

Nothing you are facing is too difficult for Me. Pray intensely and with fervor.  Boldly speak My Words with great faith and believe in My promises. My words will not return to Me void. 

Embrace the tests, as I give you opportunities to overcome.  I look at your responses along this journey, to see My own reflection, as your heart’s desires and Mine are one. 

Remember always, this is not your home. You are here for My purposes, so I may complete the good work I have begun in you. This life is but a vapor, a stepping stone in your walk of intimacy with Me, as I move you from glory to glory. Into eternity, we shall love in each other. 

This dwelling place shall fall because it is not in harmony with its Creator, and I will renew this earth, so that I will once again be glorified here. 

Take heart in that you keep My Kingdom perspective in your final moments here, so that this terrible evil will not distract you from the narrow way, or deceive you from hearing only your shepherd’s counsel, as the fulfillment of all things comes to pass. 

Have no fear. I have not forgotten you. On the contrary, you are My jewels, My precious treasures through which everything I have spoken will be fulfilled. This final stretch appears endless, but I assure you, there is an appointed time for Me to infuse you completely, and I will not delay in doing this that My Father has ordained for you. I give you My great peace and joy overflowing, as the birth is ready to take place. Have gladness in your hearts My loves.

You are loved by The King!