Monthly Archives: September 2023

Everything Else

September 20, 2023
Everything Else  Christianity should represent the Lord, making His perspective a priority over one’s own. In prayer we seek Him. In His Word we hear Him. In promptings of the Spirit we are directed and re-directed by our Omnipotent Father who oversees the ebb and flow of our lives. Having sought and heard Him, we obey. With obedience comes assurance that all things work together for a right (righteous) outcome.
It takes as much faith to wait as it does to forge ahead. Either way the goal is to be faithful—to hear and obey. To the merciful person God shows Himself merciful, to the innocent He is innocent, and to those who are pure God reveals Himself in purity; but to the devious person who is sometimes faithful and other times master of His own way, God is shrewd, and the devious person’s sowing is the future he will reap. Those who sow carelessly receive in like kind.
A faithful man always receives from God, his faithfulness in following the Lord in every way he knows is answered by the Lord who faithfully takes care of everything else.


Psalm 18:25-26 | Psalm 18 | Verses@Once